Thursday 22 September 2022

3. Adding Objects in MS Word - VIII

 Std :- VIII                                                                                          Extra Question

3. Adding Objects in MS Word    



Choose the correct option form the following.

1. Which of the following ribbon contains styles?

 a. Insert      b. Home      c. Design 

 2. Which of the following is not part of the illustrations group of the Insert ribbon? 

a. Pictures      b. Shapes      c. Tables  

3. Which of the following ribbon opens up on selecting a created shape?

 a. Drawing Tools - Format      b. Picture Tools- Format      c. Smart Tools- Format  

4. Which of the following is a keyboard shortcut to open Styles pane? 

a. Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S          b. Alt + S          c. Ctrl + S ( ) 

5. Which of the following do you click to change the shape of WordArt text? 

a. Insert--WordArt      b. Format--Text Effects-- Transform      c. Text Effects--Shadow 


Fill in the blanks. 

 (New Style,  WordArt,  Pictures,  Online Pictures,  Styles)

1. You click styles dialog launcher to open the Styles pane. 

2. The New Style button in the Styles pane allows you to create a new style. 

3. WordArt is a quick way to insert decorative text in document. 

4. The Pictures option allows you to insert pictures from the computer hard disk. 

5. The Online Pictures option is present in the Illustrations group of the Insert ribbon. 


Answer the Following  

1. What is a style set? 

Ans. A style set is a predefined set of formatting. Its consists of font style, colour and size that can be applied to the text to change its appearance quickly. 

2. State the use of WordArt feature. 

Ans. WordArt is a quick way to insert decorative text in a document. It includes effects such as shadows, outlines, colours, gradients and 3D effects that can be added to a word or phrase. WordArt can also bend, stretch, skew, or otherwise modify the shape of the text. 

3. Which ribbon allows you to edit and format WordArt? 

Ans. “Format ribbon” allow you to edit and format WordArt. 

4. In which ribbon is Picture option available? 

Ans. In “Insert” ribbon Picture option is available.

5.  What is WordArt?

Ans.: WordArt is a creative styles sets available in Insert tab of MS Word. This contains a pre-designed and formatted text with different styles.


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