Friday, 2 December 2022

Excel (Spreadsheet) - Functions and Charts

 Excel (Spreadsheet)- Functions and Charts

Subject - ICT   


Spreadsheet- Functions and Charts

 1. Fill in the blanks:

1. An Excel Workbook consists of .......................... .

(a) Worksheets (b) Rows (c) Columns (d) Formulas

 2. The actual value of a cell is displayed in .......................... bar.

(a) Title (b) Menu (c) Formula (d) None of these

 3. .......................... Formatting applies one or more rules to any cells we want.

(a) Formula (b) Function (c) Conditional (d) None of these

 4. Format Command is available on .......................... Tab.

 (a) Home (b) Insert (c) Data (d) Formulas

 5. All Formulas must begin with an .......................... sign.

(a) Sigma (b) Plus (c) Equal (=) (d) None of these

 6. A data in our worksheet can be arranged in an order using .......................... .

(a) Formula (b) Function (c) Filter (d) Sorting

 7. Sort & Filter command is available on .......................... Tab.

(a)  Home (b) Insert (c) Data (d) Home & Data


2. Fill in the blanks

1)   Charts are the pictorial representation of data values stored in the worksheet.

2)   When the corresponding cell address changes with reference to a new cell address, it is known as relative reference.

3)   By default, MS Excel provides three worksheets in a workbook.

4)   The built-in formulae for specific numeric/non-numeric processing are called functions.

5)   A range of cells is a rectangular block consisting of a few cells, an entire row, an entire column or the whole worksheet.


3. State whether the following statements are True/False


1)   A range of cells is a group of cells that have been selected and which form a shape of a rectangular box. True

2)   A spreadsheet can only contain numeric data. False

3)   You can insert a chart but not clipart in a worksheet. False

4)   The cell in which the cell pointer is located in a worksheet is the active cell. True

5)   You can select a range of data as per your choice in a spreadsheet. True




3. Answer the following

1.    What are:

v Cell- The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. This is where we enter data.

v Active cell- When we click on a cell, a thick black border appears along its boundary, this cell is now called an active cell. We can enter data only in an active cell.

v Range of cells- A selected rectangular block of two or more cells is called a cell range or range.

v Sheet Tab- It indicates the active worksheet on which the user is performing respect the task. By default, it is Sheet number 1.

v Cell Address- The column name and row number representing a cell is known as Cell Address. Eg. A1, where A is column name and 1 is row number.



2.    How to select entire Row?

Ans- To select entire Row:

v Bring the mouse pointer to the row header that is to be selected. Once the mouse pointer turns into black arrow, click the left mouse button to select entire row.



3.    How to select entire Column?

Ans- To select entire Column:

v Bring the mouse pointer to the column header that is to be selected. Once the mouse pointer turns into black arrow, click the left mouse button to select entire column.


4.    How to select partial range in a Row?

Ans- To select partial range in a Row:

v Select the row and place the mouse pointer to the desired location from where cells will be selected.

v Hold the left mouse button and drag it to the last cell to be selected.


5.    How to select partial range in a Column?

Ans- To select partial range in a Column:

v Select the column and place the mouse pointer to the desired location from where cells will be selected.

v Hold the left mouse button and drag it to the last cell to be selected.


6.    How to name a Sheet Tab?

Ans- To name a Sheet Tab:

v Select the Sheet Tab to give name.

v Double click on the tab to turn in dark colored.

v Type a name and press Enter key.


7.    How to rename a Sheet Tab?

Ans- To rename a Sheet Tab:

v Right click on the Sheet Tab to rename.

v Select „Rename option from the appeared menu.

v Type a name and press Enter key.


8.    How to delete a Sheet Tab? Ans- To delete a Sheet Tab:

v Right click on the Sheet Tab to be deleted.

v Select „Delete option from the appeared menu.

v Press Enter key to delete the worksheet.


9.    What is Cell Referencing? Name their types.

Ans- Cell referencing is a method to refer a cell address or range in a formula. The different cell references used in formula are: a) Relative Referencing, b) Absolute Referencing and c) Absolute Referencing.



10. What is Function? What are the rules to be followed while writing a function?


v A Function is a predefined formula used in MS-Excel. The rules to be followed while writing a function are:

v Each function must begin with an „equal to ( = ) sign.

v Parenthesis is used to indicate the opening and closing of a function.

v Arguments are written within the parenthesis.

v Commas are used to separate the arguments.



11. Explain the below functions used in MS-Excel.

v Sum( )- This function is used to add values of more than one cell.

v Average( )- This function is used to find the average value of more than one cell.

v Min( )- This function is used to find the lowest value of more than one cell.

v Max( )- This function is used to find the height value of more than one cell.

v Count( )- This function is used to counts and returns the number of values from the given set of values or cell range.





v Write the format of the functions used in MS Excel to perform the following tasks


1)   To calculate the average of 82, 67, 80, 74 and 95.

Answer    =AVERAGE(82,67,80,74,95)


2)   To find the highest value of the cell references from D3 to K3.

Answer   =MAX(D3:K3)


 3)   To calculate the sum of the first five multiples of 7.

Answer   =SUM(7,14,21,28,35)


4)   To determine the lowest value of the cell references from A4 to A12.

Answer   =MIN(A4:A12)


5)   To find the sum of all the prime numbers from 1 to 10.

Answer   =SUM(2,3,5,7)


6)   To find the arithmetical mean of the cell references from E4 to K4.

Answer   =AVERAGE(E4:K4)




v Explain the meaning of the following functions

1)   =SUM (C5:H5)

Answer=  This function calculates the sum of the cell references from C5 to H5.


2)   =AVERAGE (K12:K50)

Answer=  This function calculates the average of the cell references from K12 to K50.


3)   =COUNT (B15:B35)

Answer= This function counts the number of cells in the range of cells from B15 to B35.


4)   =MAX (A4:A14)

Answer= This function finds the highest value among the cell references from A4 to A14.



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