one sentence questions answer - PowerPoint bold italic and underline
1. Q.1. which file format can be
added to a power point show?
Ans :- .gif ,
.jpg, .wav
2. Which power point view works
best for adding slide transition?
Ans :-Auto Content Wizard
3. To print power point
presentation, press:
Ans :-Ctrl+P
4. What would I choose to create
a pre-formatted style?
Ans :-Format
5. What is the term used when
you press and hold the left mouse key and more the mouse around the slide?
Ans :-Dragging
6. What term describes a
background that appears as a grainy, non-smooth surface?
Ans :-Gradient
7. Which type of fonts are best
suite for titles and headlines?
Ans :-Sans Serif Fonts
8. Which key can be used to view
Slide show?
Ans :-F5
9. How can we view slide show
repeated continuously?
Ans :-Loop continuously until Esc
10. How can we stop a slide show?
Ans :-Press Escape
11. Which key do you press to
check spelling?
Ans :-F7
12. Power point slides can have?
Ans :-title, text, graphs, drawn objects, shapes, clipart, drawn
art, visual
13. To open the existing
presentation, press
Ans :-Ctrl+O
14. A file which contains ready
made styles that can be used for a presentation is called………?
Ans :-Template
15. What is maximum Zoom
percentage in Microsoft Power Point?
Ans :-400%
16. How we can put a Chart in the
presentation using Power Point?
Ans :-Insert->Pictures->Chart
17. How we can replace a font on
all sides with another font in Power point?
Ans :-Format-> Replace Fonts
18. The boxes that are displayed
to indicate that the text, pictures or objects are placed in it is called?
Ans :-Placeholder
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