Sunday 15 September 2024

"10 Beginner Python Programs for Kids – Step-by-Step Guide" - Class 7th


"10 Beginner   Programs for Kids – Step-by-Step Guide"


1.    Write a Python program to print your name.

2.    Write a Python program to combine two strings.

3.    Write a Python program to check the length of a string.

4.    Write a Python program to print the smallest and largest numbers (using min() and max()).

5.    Write a Python program to repeat a string.

6.    Write a Python program to sort a list of numbers.

7.    Write a Python program to use the divmod() function.

8.    Write a Python program to use the multiplication operator.

9.    Write a Python program to add two numbers and print the result.

10.         Write a Python program that uses the sum() function.



1.   Program to Print Your Name

print("My name is John Doe")

  • What is print()?
    • print() is a function that outputs whatever you tell it to, onto the screen.
    • Functions are like instructions that tell   to do something. In this case, it tells   to display text.
  • What is a string?
    • A string is any sequence of characters (letters, numbers, or symbols) inside quotes ("").
    • "My name is John Doe" is a string, because it's enclosed in quotes.
  • Output:
    When the code is run,   will print:



2.   Program to Combine Two Strings


string1 = "Hello"

string2 = "World"

combined_string = string1 + " " + string2


  • What is a variable?
    • A variable is like a box where you store data. Here, string1 holds the text "Hello", and string2 holds "World".
  • What does + do with strings?
    • The + operator joins (concatenates) two strings. In this case, it combines string1 and string2 with a space " " in between.
  • Why is there a space?
    • Strings will stick together if you don’t add a space. Adding " " ensures there’s a space between "Hello" and "World".
  • Output:
    When you run the program, it prints:






 3.   Program to Check the Length of a String

my_string = " "

length_of_string = len(my_string)

print("Length of the string is:", length_of_string)

  • What does len() do?
    • len() is a function that counts the number of characters in a string, including spaces and punctuation.
  • Example:
    " ", there are 6 characters: P, y, t, h, o, n. So, len(my_string) will return 6.
  • Output:
    The program prints:



 4.   Program to Repeat a String

string = "Hello "

repeated_string = string * 3


  • What does * do with strings?
    • The * operator repeats a string a given number of times. Here, string * 3 repeats "Hello " three times.
  • Example:
    If you repeat
    "Hello " 3 times, you get "Hello Hello Hello ".
  • Output:
    The result is:


Hello Hello Hello


5.   Program to Find the Smallest and Largest Number

numbers = [10, 20, 5, 40, 15]

smallest_number = min(numbers)

largest_number = max(numbers)

print("Smallest number is:", smallest_number)

print("Largest number is:", largest_number)

  • What is a list?
    • A list is a collection of items (numbers, strings, etc.) stored inside square brackets []. Here, numbers = [10, 20, 5, 40, 15] is a list of numbers.
  • What does min() do?
    • min() finds the smallest number in the list.
  • What does max() do?
    • max() finds the largest number in the list.
  • Example:
    [10, 20, 5, 40, 15], the smallest number is 5, and the largest is 40.
  • Output:
    The program prints:



  6.   Program to Sort Numbers

numbers = [30, 10, 50, 20, 40]

sorted_numbers = sorted(numbers)

print("Sorted numbers:", sorted_numbers)

  • What does sorted() do?
    • sorted() arranges (or sorts) the numbers in the list from smallest to largest.
  • Example:
    The list
    [30, 10, 50, 20, 40] becomes [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] after sorting.
  • Output:
    The program prints:




 7.   Program to Use divmod()

numerator = 25

denominator = 4

result = divmod(numerator, denominator)

print("Quotient and Remainder are:", result)

  • What does divmod() do?
    • divmod() returns two results: the quotient (how many times one number fits into another) and the remainder (what's left over).
  • Example:
    • For 25 ÷ 4, the quotient is 6 because 4 fits into 25 six times, and the remainder is 1 because there's 1 left after dividing.
  • Output:
    The program prints:



 8.   Program for Multiplication

num1 = 7

num2 = 8

result = num1 * num2

print("Multiplication result is:", result)

  • What does * do with numbers?
    • The * operator multiplies two numbers.
  • Example:
    • Here, 7 * 8 equals 56.
  • Output:
    The result is:




 9.   Program to Add Two Numbers

num1 = 15

num2 = 25

sum_result = num1 + num2

print("Addition result is:", sum_result)

  • What does + do with numbers?
    • The + operator adds two numbers together.
  • Example:
    • Here, 15 + 25 equals 40.
  • Output:
    The result is:



10. Python Program to Use the sum() Function

numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

total_sum = sum(numbers)

print("The sum of the numbers is:", total_sum)

Step-by-Step Explanation:

1.   List of numbers:

o    numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] is a list containing five numbers.

2.   What does sum() do?:

o    sum() adds all the numbers in the list.

o    In this example, sum(numbers) will compute 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50, which equals 150.

3.   Store the result:

o    The total sum is stored in the variable total_sum.

4.   Print the result:

o    print() displays the total sum on the screen.


When the program is run, it will print:


The sum of the numbers is: 150


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