Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts

Saturday, 15 July 2023



Subject :- ICT


HTML Introduction
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a primary markup language for creating websites. It consists of a series of codes used to structure texts, images, and other content to be displayed in the browser.

What is HTML?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages
HTML describes the structure of a Web page
HTML consists of a series of elements
HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content
HTML elements label pieces of content such as "this is a heading", "this is a paragraph", "this is a link", etc.

HTML History

Since the early days of the World Wide Web, there have been many versions of HTML:




Tim Berners-Lee invented www


Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML


Dave Raggett drafted HTML+


HTML Working Group defined HTML 2.0


 HTML 3.2


HTML 4.01


 XHTML 1.0


WHATWG HTML5 First Public Draft


WHATWG HTML5 Living Standard




HTML 5.1


HTML5.1 2nd Edition

A Simple HTML Document

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>




<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>






Example Explained

The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines that this document is an HTML5 document
The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page
The <head> element contains meta information about the HTML page
The <title> element specifies a title for the HTML page (which is shown in the browser's title bar or in the page's tab)
The <body> element defines the document's body, and is a container for all the visible contents, such as headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, lists, etc.
The <h1> element defines a large heading
The <p> element defines a paragraph


Friday, 2 December 2022

HTML TAG - (Hyper Text Markup Language)



Subject :- ICT


HTML Introduction
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a primary markup language for creating websites. It consists of a series of codes used to structure texts, images, and other content to be displayed in the browser.

What is HTML?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages
HTML describes the structure of a Web page
HTML consists of a series of elements
HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content
HTML elements label pieces of content such as "this is a heading", "this is a paragraph", "this is a link", etc.

HTML History

Since the early days of the World Wide Web, there have been many versions of HTML:




Tim Berners-Lee invented www


Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML


Dave Raggett drafted HTML+


HTML Working Group defined HTML 2.0


 HTML 3.2


HTML 4.01


 XHTML 1.0


WHATWG HTML5 First Public Draft


WHATWG HTML5 Living Standard




HTML 5.1


HTML5.1 2nd Edition

A Simple HTML Document

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>




<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>






Example Explained

The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines that this document is an HTML5 document
The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page
The <head> element contains meta information about the HTML page
The <title> element specifies a title for the HTML page (which is shown in the browser's title bar or in the page's tab)
The <body> element defines the document's body, and is a container for all the visible contents, such as headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, lists, etc.
The <h1> element defines a large heading
The <p> element defines a paragraph


Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Html- Unordered Tag

 HTML List 



HTML Lists

HTML lists are used to present list of information in well formed and semantic way. There are three different types of list in HTML and each one has a specific purpose and meaning.

  • Unordered list — Used to create a list of related items, in no particular order.
  • Ordered list — Used to create a list of related items, in a specific order.
  • Description list — Used to create a list of terms and their descriptions.

   Names and Uses of HTML Elements Used to Create HTML List

Many elements are used to create an HTML list. That's why we are first telling about the names of the elements and their use to create HTML List.


UL Element – ​​The full name of UL Element is Unordered List. Bullet Lists or Unordered Lists are created by the Unordered List Element.

OL Element – ​​The full name of OL Element is Order List. Number or Order Lists are created by Order List Element.

LI Element – ​​The full name of LI Element is List Item. The data to be written in a list is defined by the List Item Element.

DL Element – ​​The full name of DL Element is Definition List. Definition Lists are defined by the Definition List Element.

DT Element – ​​The full name of DD Element is Definition Term. Definition Term is defined by the Definition Term Element.

DD Element – ​​The full name of DD Element is Definition Description. The description of the Definition Terms is defined by the Definition Description Element.

Unordered list

An unordered list created using the <ul> element, and each list item starts with the <li> element. The list items in unordered lists are marked with bullets. 

Here's an example:



<title> Unordered list Tag </title>



<h1> Programming Languages list</h1>





    <li> C</li>

    <li> CSS</li>




Output :-


Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Html Heading Tag


HTML Heading Tag 




<title> Heading Tags</title>



<!--<h1>–<h6>: The HTML Section Heading elements The <h1> to <h6> HTML elements represent six levels of section headings. <h1> is the highest section level and <h6> is the lowest. -->

<!-- Following Example how to use heading tag -->


<h1> This is Example is heading 1</h1>

<h2> This is Example is heading 2</h2>

<h3> This is Example is heading 3</h3>

<h4> This is Example is heading 4</h4>

<h5> This is Example is heading 5</h5>

<h6> This is Example is heading 6</h6>




Wednesday, 9 November 2022

HTML - MCQ Multiple Choice Questions

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML Multiple Choice Questions and Answers.


1) There are _____ level of heading in html
A) three
B) four
C) five
D) six
Ans. D)
2) To get the ordered list we use
A) <h1>
B) <ul>
C) <ol>
D) <ml>
Ans. C)
 3)The Major components of the Web browser are ___
A) Menu Bar.
B) ToolBar.
C) Location
D) All Of the Above.
Ans. D)
 4) The following html tag is used to display the content as a moving text
A) <marquee>
B) </img>
C) <a href>
D) none of the above
Ans. A)
5) html comment should be enclosed between
A) <!– and — >
B) <! And !>
C) <!— and –“”
D) none of the above
Ans. A)
6) _____ tag is used before beginning of the paragraph text
A) <textarea>
B) <sup>
C) <p>
D) <h1>
Ans. C)
7) html document have a extension ______
A) .htx or .htxl
B) .htm or .html
C) .hmt or hmtl
D) none of the above
Ans. B)
8) to get the ordered list we use
A) <HI>
B) <UL>
C) <OL>
D) <ML>
Ans. C)
9) HTML is the method where ordinary text can be converted into
C) Hypertext
D) None of the above
Ans. C)
10) Which of the following tags do not require a terminator?
A) <U>
B) <BR>
C) <B>
D) None of above
Ans. B)
11) The tag to give visual division between sections of the page and which causes the browser to draw an embossed line is
A) <HL>
B) <HR>
C) <UR>
D) None of the above
Ans. B)
12) Which one of the following tags is used to insert graphics on the web page?
C) <IMG>
Ans. C)
13) In HTML ______ tag contains the information about the current document such as title etc.
A) Body
D) None of the above
Ans. C)
14) The components of multimedia are
A) Text, pictures, video, sound
B) Text pictures, animation
C) Text, pictures, video, animation, sound
D) None of the above
Ans. C)
15) FTP applications are
A) Used to download and upload files
B) Internet browsers
C) Used to send E-mails
D) Used to chat with other people
Ans. A)
16) The domain for India is
A) Ind
B) Indi
C) In
D) Indus
Ans. C)
17) URL is an acronym for
A) Universal research locator
B) Universal resource locator
C) Uniform research locator
D) Uniform resource locator
Ans. D)
18) Which of these elements in HTML can be used for making a text bold?
A)  <a>
B)  <pre>
C) <br>
D)  <b>
Ans: D)
19) Which tag do we use in HTML for inserting a line-break?
A) <a>
B) <br>
C) <b>
D) <pre>
Ans: B)
20) In HTML, the tags are __________.
A) in upper case
B) case-sensitive
C) in lowercase
D) not case sensitive
Ans: D)
21) Which tag is used in HTML5 for the initialization of the document type?
A)  <Doctype HTML>
B)  <!DOCTYPE html>
C) <Doctype>
D)  <\Doctype html>
Ans: B)
22) Which one is the HTML document’s root tag?
A) <head>
B) <body>
C)  <title>
D) <html>
Ans: D)
23) Which of these doesn’t support the MP3 format?
A) Opera
B)  Safari
C) Chrome
D) Firefox
Ans: A)
24) HTML stands for -
A) HighText Machine Language
B) HyperText and links Markup Language
C) HyperText Markup Language
D) None of these
Ans: C)
25)   The correct sequence of HTML tags for starting a webpage is -
A) Head, Title, HTML, body
B) HTML, Body, Title, Head
C) HTML, Title, Head, Title, Body
D) HTML, Head, Title, Body
Ans: C)
26) Which of the following tag is used for inserting the largest heading in HTML?
A) <h3>
B) <h1>
C) <h5>
D) <h6>
Ans: B)
27) Which character is used to represent the closing of a tag in HTML?
A) \
B) !
C) /
D) .
Ans: C)
28) Which of the following element is responsible for making the text italic in HTML?
A) <i>
B) <italic>
C) <it>
D) <pre>
Ans: A)
29) Which of the following tag is used to make the underlined text?
A) <i>
B) <ul>
C) <u>
D) <pre>
Ans: C)
30) Which of the following is the paragraph tag in HTML
A) <P>
B) <b>
C) <pre>
D) None of the above
Ans: A


1) Container tag is a single tag. --- False

2) Title is written between head tag. --- True 

3) Heading tag has five levels. --- False 

4) <P> tag is used for paragraph. --- True 

5) Numbers are used in ordered list. --- True 

6) Full form of HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language. --- True

7) There are three types of Tags. --- False 

8) Steps for starting Notepad are- Start - Programs Accessories - Notepad. --- True 

9) Head tag is a container tag. ---- True 

10)Font styles are- Bold, Italic, Underline. ---- True 

11)Marquee is an empty tag. ---- False 

12)Unordered list does not use numbers. --- True 

13)Definition list is used for definition of different terms. --- True 

14)<TR> tag defines the row in a table. --- True

15)<TD> tag defines the information stored in the table. --- True 

16)We cannot change the color of the border of table. --- False

17)We can increase or decrease the size of table. --- True 

18)Default value of font size is 2. --- True 

19)<A> tag is not used for linking the web pages. --- False

20)<IMG> tag is used to insert images in web pages. --- True 

Answers:- (1) False (2) True (3) False (4) True (5) True (6) True (7) False (8) True (9) True (10) True (11) False (12) True (13) True (14) True (15) True (16) False (17) True (18) True (19) False (20) True
