Sunday 13 August 2023

ICT - Std V

Std V 


Match the Following

Type of Software



1. Word Processing Software

c. Microsoft Word

a. Oracle

2. Spreadsheet Software

d. Microsoft Excel

b. Microsoft PowerPoint

3. Database Software

a. Oracle

c. Microsoft Word

4. Multimedia Software

e. Windows Media Player

d. Microsoft Excel

5. Presentation Software

b. Microsoft PowerPoint

e. Windows Media Player


State whether True or False

1. File Explorer was previously known as Microsoft Explorer- False
2. MS Word that allow you to add text and modify its appearance using various formatting tools - True
3. you can add a variety of colours to your table to modify its appearance - Ture
4. A Folder is an object created to organise multiple files. – True
5. The data in a table can be entered only in the form of numbers. - False
6. The navigation pane provides you a list of recently opened files - False
7. To ensure easy and an organized use of data on a computer, files and folders are used - True
8. A table can have can many number of columns and rows as you need. – True
9. File Explorer provides the user with a graphical user interface for accessing the data stored on the computer. – True
10. The merging process enables you to add row or column in a table. – False
11. MS PowerPoint is part of windows OS software package – False
12. A slide may include graphics, sounds and animations. – True
13. A presentation is the arrangement of slides in systematic order. – True
14. MS PowerPoint enables you to add text to a slide. – True
15. The files created in MS PowerPoint are saved in the .xlxs format. – False


Fill in the Blanks

1. File Explorer utility is used to organize files in a computer system.

2 Utility software performs tasks to Control and manage computer resources

3. A program is written using a programming language which the computer can understand.

4. A system software is generally of two.

5. The operating system monitors the application programs currently running in the system

6. Antivirus software is an example of utility software.

7. Specific-purpose application software is a highly specialized software that is used to perform specific tasks.

8. The start button in the windows 10 OS provides the access to file Explorer.

9. Also known as a directory, a Folder is an object created to organize multiple files.

10. The search box enables you to search for various files or folders on the computer.

11. File Explorer is a file managing application developed by Microsoft.

13. The contents area displays frequently used folders on the computer.

14. The navigation pane allows you to navigate and access the various folders and drives available on the computer.

15. browsing includes locating the required folder using the navigation pane.

16. A collection of cells in a vertical pattern is referred to as columns.

17. After inserting a table, you may need to add rows and columns for inserting additional data.

18. A table is an organized arrangement of intersecting rows and columns.

19. A collection cells in a horizontal pattern is referred to as rows.

20. MS Word contains certain built-in table styles that allow you to change the table colour and borders automatically.

21. The process in which two or more neighbouring cells from the same row or column are combined into a single cell is termed as merging.

22. MS word provides you with a variety of shading styles to colour the rows and columns.

23. A Slide is a single page in a PowerPoint presentation

24. The slide pane display the thumbnails of each slide in a presentation.

25. The control buttons enable you to minimize, maximize and close the current window.

26. The Quick Access Toolbar contains the frequently used commands.

27. You can add text using the placeholders that appear by default on a slide.

28. The Ribbon contains all the necessary features and function, organized into tabs.

29. The notes pane is located below the slide area.



Answer the following

1.What is a cell? 

 Ans. Intersection of a row and column is called a cell. 


2.What is a row? 

Ans. A row is a horizontal arrangement of a data. 


3.What is a column? 

Ans.  A column is a vertical arrangement of data. 


4.What is meant by merging cells? 

Ans. To combine two or more   cells into a single cell is known as merging of cells. 


5.What is meant by splitting cells? 

Ans. Dividing one cell into two or more cells is known as splitting cells. 


6. What is software?

 Ans. The sets of instructions that govern the operation of a computer system and make the hardware run is called software.


7. Which group of Layout tab contains the split cells option?

Ans. Merge

8 Which key is used to move the cursor to the next cell in a table?

Ans. Tab

9. Which option can be used to join two or more cells?

Ans. Merge cells

10. Intersection of a column and row is called?

Ans. Cell

11. What do we call a folder inside another folder?

Ans. Subfolder

12. Which option is used o make a duplicate of an item?

Ans. Copy and Paste

13. What is a method of opening windows explorer?

Ans. Windows key + E

14. Which windows application is used for management of files?

Ans. Windows Explorer

15. Write the name of any default library of window.

Ans. Documents Folder     

16. The following are different software categories.

Write two software names for each.

1. Word processing software - Microsoft WordPad, Microsoft Word.

2. Operating system- Microsoft windows, Linux.

3. Utility- Back-up utility, Antivirus utility.

4. Multimedia software- Windows Media Player, Movie Maker

17. Name any two desktop operating systems. 

Ans. The two desktop operating systems are: 
  • Microsoft windows 
  • Linux

18. Write names of any four application software. 

Ans. The names of any four application software are: 
  • MS Office 
  • Windows Media Player 
  • Google Chrome 
  • Paint, etc.

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